Get quick and fun drawing prompts!

Click one of the options to get a drawing prompt!

These prompts are randomly generated. If one looks a little weird, just click again to get another one.

Random prompt

Just give me a random drawing prompt.

Elemental creature

Generate a drawing prompt for an elemental monster or fantasy creature.

Fantasy character

Generate a drawing prompt for a fantasy or scifi character.

Animal hybrids

Generate a prompt for a creature that is the mix of two or more existing animals.

Wacky situations

Generate a prompt for a situation with a who, what and where.

Inktober prompts new

Pick a random prompt from the previous years of Jake Parker's Inktober (2016 - 2022).

Random places

Generate a prompt for a fantastical place or setting.

Fantasy vehicle

Generate a drawing prompt for a wacky vehicle or machine.

Random outfits

Generate a prompt for a crazy new outfit.